
Asalamulaikum(peace upon you), thank God almighty, the most gracious and merciful, who grant us good health and opportunity for us to share our love for Islam to the many audience. Our interests is in the new age generation and Islam. Our core principles is to uphold the authentic teaching of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). How do we fuse generation and Islam (Of pure teachings)? To stay in the purest path yet relevant, the way of Siratal-Mustakim in this last era of the human race is very challenging and hard, for what truth says that we are not good people, we are not pious people, we are not people who are in righteous but we are the one who try our very best to be good, pious and righteous.

May Allah bless us all and acknowledge our efforts; amen.

Yours Sincerely
People who are passion for Islam.

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